Put simply, that's how I feel. There might be many things that I could attribute that fact to...the most obvious catalyst would be the impending closing of this year and start of another. However, I feel like this feeling of "inspiriation" has come more from my recent blog reading...catching up on blogs of some special people whose writings I have neglected in recent months...one blogger in particular, to remain anonymous for now.
When my precious daughter was born almost fourteen months ago (I know...where has the time gone, right?) I was blessed to be permitted to move to a part time work schedule, working just two days a week. The other three work days I get to enjoy time with my favorite little lady and take care of all the "other" responsiblities that live in my life. This week at my "away from home" job, I have worked two very slow, quiet, and uneventful days. So, in between the few tasks that were necessary to complete, I enjoyed reading the latest writings of some dear, far away friends...just trying to catch up on their lives, since I'm not much of a phone person and most Facebook users give you just the outline of what life looks like at any given moment. I was most captivated by one blog in particular, a dear Floridian friend of mine with whom I've always felt I've shared some type of kindred spirit...just something similar on the inside that connects us without even knowing too awful much about one another or even catching up on a regular basis.
Reading through her regular posts for the last year or so and reflecting on the lessons she's learned, the growth she's walked through, the challenges she's faced and the hope with which she always presses forward have breathed what feels like life into my heart...into my very soul. On one level, I thought it was just her dedication to sharing on this online venue that I thought I admired...thinking to myself, "You should blog more often, Megan." But the more I thought about it and examined what I was feeling, the clearer it became to me that the inspiration was not about blogging more often (or at all in my case...lol); it feels more about the desire I could see in my friend's expressions to see the very face of Jesus in every moment, in every hardship, in every relationship. To walk forward each day asking for Him to show up somewhere, say something, challenge her, teach and guide every step...an intentional desire to walk every step as close to His as possible.
This has inspired me...yes, to blog about it...lol. But more than that, it has inspired me to find ways to live it. So easily, too easily, I get lost in the flow of life, all of its commitments, important dates/events/obligations, the need to clean my house, do the grocery shopping, take care of Adalyn, spend time with my husband, nurture the young people we're blessed to serve...and everything else! I know all the work we do is for good purpose, that action is required when you're called to the work of the Kingdom...actual ministry just doesn't happen because you're called. There is more work behind most "ministry" than most people would expect...and because of that work I am, at times, quick to fall under the feeling of "have to" or "supposed to" or "let's just get past this event...then I can look forward to __________ and breathe a little bit." What my dear friend has inspired me to do is realize that these moments that I've mentioned are normal for people in all facets of life, ministry or otherwise. But I have a fresh perspective on the appropriate amount of time to live in that moment before pressing forward to the one that holds the joy and anticipation for what it is Christ can do when given the opportunity to move freely. I've been given a new ability to realize how much more can occur when your heart is not just willing, but ready...not just obligated, but honored to take part.
So, yes, the New Year is coming, and maybe that doesn't hurt my feeling of a fresh perspective. But aside from that fact, I want tomorrow to be a new day...and each day after that to follow suit...simply because that's what He's spoken to me through the inspired thoughts and wisdoms of His faithful servant...one of the best I know. Thank you to my dear friend, for being open and honest...for allowing your heart to be spilled each time you sit down to type...for giving Him the freedom to move through you and use what He's given you for others. I am one reader who is grateful today for your inspiration.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
As of late...
Well, I am obviously not totally used to blogging regularly yet.
However, we have a baby that rolls, scoots, and angles her way to wherever she wants to be. Sitting up is no problem whatsoever, and we are close to getting our knees up under us to crawl. Adalyn is healthy at just over 16 pounds (a little petite, but absolutely beautiful) and stretching out to about 26 inches.
This little girl is snacking on cereal with lots of fun things mixed in, little dissolving puffs, and small bites of whatever else she won't choke on. Loving all the fruits, most vegetables, and a few meaty type foods....still working on those. :o)
We can successfully make out "mom mom" & "da da" when she speaks...along with LOTS of other loud syllables. Once she even looked up at the shower head and said "wa wa." Genius, I know. We also enjoy listening to her sing from the back seat whenever we have music on in the car and the mood strikes her. Andrew says she has nice pitch control...I would agree, of course.
We are entering the summer months which, for us, will be quite busy. Some out of town guests are visiting, we have a few trips to take, lots of fundraising to do for youth events, and undoubtedly lots more firsts for our little angel. Before we know it, September will be here and the weather will be cooling down! Time goes by so fast, huh? Especially when you have this little person who gets bigger, smarter, and more interactive every day.
Well, time to go...we have our friends, the Smith's, here from Florida for just a few more hours. Adalyn got to meet and spend time with her adorable little friend, Ella, who was born just a little over 2 weeks after her. It has been so cute to watch them together and share experiences/stories with Ella's mom and dad. We went to the park for the first time today and the girls got to swing!! What a great time we had! We are sad to see them go, but are SO HAPPY they got to come and visit. A few pics of our time together are below...enjoy!! :):)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
This face.

This face has taught me so much...even more than I think I imagined. I mean, I knew life would be so different and folks always tell you how many things will change and how much you'll feel for these little ones...but actually feeling and experiencing these things is so different than anticipating them.
This face has made me especially thankful today for the lesson to live life one day at a time. I have long been a person looking for the next thing or thinking "Once we get to this point, to this step...I'll be satisfied...I'll feel like we're finally living life. Once we've finally bought a house or gotten a bigger car or paid off this bill or have regularly scheduled meals all the time or I learn to cook without following recipes and love doing it...once this happens, or this happens, or this happens...life will be at its best." Yep, that's been me.
But over the past 5 1/2 months, this perfect little face has made me realize that life at its best is already happening. Deciding to make each moment count for something is what makes those moments into memories. Do I still want all of those things that I mentioned above to take place? YES! Plus many more, I'm sure. However, I am learning how to forget the things we don't have or what I've not quite figured out yet, and I've begun to just enjoy the journey of getting there. Adalyn has caused me to not want to miss a moment...to take everything in and experience the happiness that lives in her eyes without the worry and wonder of when certain things will come to pass lingering in the back of my mind and heart. Thank you, baby girl, for teaching your Mommy a very important lesson...one that I think I've learned before for short periods of time. This time feels like the right time, though.
This face, without a doubt, is life at its best.
Monday, April 19, 2010

I've decided that "can't" find the time is no longer accurate...I certainly can find the time. And one of the best things is that I get to decide when, where, how long, and how often these posts will be. My hope is to be as regular as I'm comfortable with and to use this blog to document the exciting (and maybe some just "normal" stuff) happenings of the Jordan family...namely one little miss Adalyn Rose. (Speaking of which, is she not the cutest little barefoot baby you've ever seen????)
This will definitely be a learning process for me, but I'm eager to put my fingers to work and make this blog a place where I can have fun and share good things with great people, though I may be the only person reading for now. :)
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