Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This face.

This face is going to be 6 months old soon...can you believe it??? Some days it feels like she just got here, and other days it feels like she's always been with us. Either of those types of days are great ones now that she's here.
This face has taught me so much...even more than I think I imagined. I mean, I knew life would be so different and folks always tell you how many things will change and how much you'll feel for these little ones...but actually feeling and experiencing these things is so different than anticipating them.

This face has made me especially thankful today for the lesson to live life one day at a time. I have long been a person looking for the next thing or thinking "Once we get to this point, to this step...I'll be satisfied...I'll feel like we're finally living life. Once we've finally bought a house or gotten a bigger car or paid off this bill or have regularly scheduled meals all the time or I learn to cook without following recipes and love doing it...once this happens, or this happens, or this will be at its best." Yep, that's been me.

But over the past 5 1/2 months, this perfect little face has made me realize that life at its best is already happening. Deciding to make each moment count for something is what makes those moments into memories. Do I still want all of those things that I mentioned above to take place? YES! Plus many more, I'm sure. However, I am learning how to forget the things we don't have or what I've not quite figured out yet, and I've begun to just enjoy the journey of getting there. Adalyn has caused me to not want to miss a take everything in and experience the happiness that lives in her eyes without the worry and wonder of when certain things will come to pass lingering in the back of my mind and heart. Thank you, baby girl, for teaching your Mommy a very important that I think I've learned before for short periods of time. This time feels like the right time, though.

This face, without a doubt, is life at its best.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Well, I've finally done it. Yep...I've entered the blogging world. I have wanted to do this for quite some time, but I tend to start an adventure like this and eventually find it on the list of things I really want to do but can't find the time.

I've decided that "can't" find the time is no longer accurate...I certainly can find the time. And one of the best things is that I get to decide when, where, how long, and how often these posts will be. My hope is to be as regular as I'm comfortable with and to use this blog to document the exciting (and maybe some just "normal" stuff) happenings of the Jordan family...namely one little miss Adalyn Rose. (Speaking of which, is she not the cutest little barefoot baby you've ever seen????)

This will definitely be a learning process for me, but I'm eager to put my fingers to work and make this blog a place where I can have fun and share good things with great people, though I may be the only person reading for now. :)